Healthy Minds

This comprehensive eight-week online course empowers participants with the knowledge and tools to better understand mental health, manage stress, and adapt to life's changes and challenges.


Complete this program by June 30, 2025 to earn $300. 

Benefits of the Healthy Minds Program

Emotional wellbeing is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult situations. Throughout this course, we will explore the different areas that contribute to our emotional health.

Build Resilience

Knowing that we are going to face obstacles in our lives, there are specific strategies you can use to build your resilience and be able to take on tough challenges.

Reduce Stress

With so many demands on our time, it can feel like we’re drowning in stress. But managing our stress is key to staying emotionally healthy. 

Get Quality Sleep

Taking steps to improve sleep is an important part of taking care of your overall emotional wellbeing. 

Strengthen Social Connections

Strengthening social connections is a key component of emotional wellbeing. In this module, you’ll learn what social connections are, why we need them, and how to gauge your social needs. 

Cope with Loss

Learn strategies to navigate difficult times, emphasizing the normalcy of various emotional responses and the importance of time in the healing process.

Nurture Mindfulness

Delve into the concepts of mindfulness and how it contributes to emotional wellbeing and learn mindfulness activities that you can put into practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is focusing on emotional health important?

National leaders and research tells us that supporting mental health at work is a key strategic business imperative. 

With more than 160 million people participating in the United States workforce and with the average full-time worker in the United States spending about half of their waking life at work," the US Surgeon General’s Office said in a statement in the Fall of 2022. "Workplaces play a significant role in shaping our mental and physical well-being. Employers have a unique opportunity not only to invest in the mental health and well-being of their workforce but also to strengthen their organizations’ success by doing so.”

What is the Healthy Minds Program?

Healthy Minds is an online educational course consisting of 8 modules designed to help explore the foundational supports for positive emotional health. The program also includes tools and resources to help participants successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. 

This program uses evidence-based tips from the National Institute of Health for living well and improving health and was designed in partnership with Dr. Chei Anthony, PhD, MEd, B.A. Dr. Anthony is a clinical mental health provider and subject matter expert in behavioral health.

How do I enroll in the Healthy Minds program?

With this new online, self-management course, you can enroll in the Healthy Minds program at any time. Simply click the Enroll button, create an account if you do not have one already, and you can begin the course right away! Please note that creating an account requires your full name, email address, and Employee ID

How does the Healthy Minds program work? 

The Healthy Minds program is an 8-week online educational program. The program includes interactive educational modules, knowledge checks to support what you have learned, and activities to personalize your learning journey. Once you enroll, a new module is unlocked every 7 days. You must complete the program within 12 weeks of enrollment, or it will expire and you will need to re-enroll.

Enroll by April 7, 2024 and complete this program by June 30, 2025 to earn $300. 

In order to successfully complete the Healthy Minds program, you will fulfill the each of the following requirements:

  • Complete a pre-program questionnaire (Perceived Stress Scale Assessment¹)
  • Complete one learning module² per week, for 8 weeks
  • Complete the module knowledge checks³ (1 knowledge check per module)
  • Complete the Program Satisfaction Survey
  • Complete the post-program questionnaire (Perceived Stress Scale Assessment¹)

¹About the Perceived Stress Scale Assessment: This quick, 10-question assessment provides Individual scores ranging from 0 to 40, with higher scores indicating higher perceived stress. The Perceived Stress Scale is interesting and important because your perception of what is happening in your life is most important.

²Each learning module will take approximately 20- 30 minutes to thoughtfully read through the content. Each module then has a Explore More section with a wide-variety of added resources, such as more in-depth educational content, activities, exercises, videos, etc., which will not be tracked as program requirements, but are encouraged.

³ Don’t worry– the knowledge checks are simply a way to test your knowledge– they are not graded!

Who do I reach out to if I have questions about the Healthy Minds Program?

For more information, contact communications@inhealth4change.com.

Course Lessons